Nexavar LOVES his Comfort Stall!! This stall mat system is second to none! We first saw this flooring system in the recovery stalls at Cornell University. This combination of a soft foam underlayer with a sealed rubber membrane on top is amazing! It provides exceptional cushioning which is great for their joints, provides thermal insulation so the floor is not so hard and cold for them to lie on in the winter, and there are NO shifting mats to deal with! Comfort Stalls are also credited with less dust, lower bedding costs, improved joint and respiratory health, elimination of hock sores and much much more! Contact me today for a price quote on your custom one piece stall mat system!
Why ComfortStall?
ComfortStall offers an impressive list of benefits:
Improved joint health, improved respiratory health, elimination of hock sores, improved quality of rest, relief from the symptoms of laminitis, reduced need for stall bandaging, thermal insulation, less bedding (some claiming as much as 75% less), less cleaning time, and no floor maintenance required.
Improved respiratory health
Did you know? Urea build up in the stall off-gasses as ammonia and high levels can cause bronchiolar and alveolar edema and airway destruction resulting in respiratory distress or failure (New York State Department of Health).
ComfortStall’s Flooring System is sealed and impermeable, preventing the build up of urea and ammonia off-gasing; not to mention the significant reduction in stable dust.
Up to 75% less bedding
The design of our stable flooring uses a combination of a soft foam underlayer and a sealed rubber membrane, which not only provides superb comfort for your horse, but also has better thermal insulation compared to traditional stable flooring. This greatly reduces the need for bedding to keep your horse comfortable and warm. In fact the savings mean a payback on your investment typically in less than one year!
The choice for Cornell University Veterinary Hospital
1,000 horses a year at Cornell University Veterinary Hospital, one of the top 3 veterinarian hospitals in USA, recover from surgery on a ComfortStall®.
Today at Cornell University Veterinary Hospital’s Surgery and Anaesthesia Department, up to six horses a day undergo surgery, and afterward, every horse recovers on ComfortStall® flooring.
A thousand horses a year would test the capabilities of any stall flooring, especially in a veterinary hospital environment where the strictest biosecurity measures include sterilizing flooring and walls with caustic ingredients between every equine occupant.
“The foam under-surface padding has held up very well! We still have the original foam in all of the recovery stalls since 2005. Overall, it appears to be the best surface we have come across. In my opinion, as a horse owner, I think it is far superior to regular rubber mats for normal stabling.”
Ann Townsend-Pors, LVT Anesthesia Dept,
Equine Hospital Cornell University Hospital for Animals
“Having a sealed rubber matting system in the hospital is imperative for disinfection between horses….to prevent urine seepage resulting in ammonia/bacteria build up under un-sealed rubber mats. Comfortstall provides superior cushioning and has resulted in less bedding being required..”
Dr. Kate Allen BVSc Cert EM(IntMed) DipACVSMR PhD MRCVS
Equine Sports Medicine Centre,
Bristol Veterinary School, University of Bristol

The choice for Deeridge Farms
“It’s like sleeping on a mattress, but softer.” Deeridge Farms Stable Manager Carly Kaber shares her experience with the ComfortStall orthopedic flooring system.
Deeridge Farm is a custom built show ground in the heart of North American equestrian sport, Wellington, Florida. Deeridge host the Palm Beach Masters, one of only seven North American, east coast qualifiers for the Longines FEI World CupTM, as well as the Deeridge Derby, the highest level of hunter competition.
Prices start from $1290 + delivery. To order stall mats, please contact Nicky Kurty at 607-427-6875 or fill out the Order Products form here.