My introduction to Gobi products began late fall of 2019. New York winters are L-O-N-G, cold, and dark, and I had lost my sense of humor about it. I bought a heated vest and was immediately in love! Did you know that heated clothing is proven to make you a nicer person?! At least that’s what I am told by those around me!
After wearing my Gobi Dune heated vest all day every day for Fall, Winter, and Spring of 2019 and 2020, I decided this was a product line worth investigating. I have been nothing but impressed with everything about them. It is a small family owned company, my favorite business model. Their customer service is absolutely amazing! I have since bought the heated socks, hat, and Sahara jacket. Not one of them has disappointed me in the least.

To order any Gobi Heat products, please contact Nicky Kurty at 607-427-6875 or fill out the Order Products form here.